Please ensure you arrive and leave on time. We request that you arrive five minutes before your booking. If you arrive late for your booking we still reserve the right to charge for the full hour. If you arrive late you will only be able to swim for your allocated booking time. We cannot extend your booking if you arrive late. Should you be more than 20 minutes late we reserve the right to cancel your booking.
Any person with a recent history of diarrhoea or other gastric complaints (i.e. within the past seven days) should not swim.
Outdoor footwear must be removed before entering the pool area.
All swimmers must shower before and after using the pool. All makeup, lotions, body powders and nonessential jewellery must be removed before swimmers enter the pool.
Children must be encouraged to use the toilet facilities before entering the pool. Should urination or defecation occur in the pool, the pool will need to be closed immediately and your booking will end. It is imperative that this does not happen.
No mobiles telephones are to be used within the pool. Photography and videography are welcome but mobile telephones must be kept out of the water.
No food, drink or glass (apart from bottled water) to be consumed in the pool, pool area or changing rooms.
No smoking is permitted in the pool, pool area, changing rooms or grounds of the property (this includes e-cigarettes).
If anyone attending requires the use of disposable nappies, the hirer must ensure that both a waterproof nappy and watertight swim wear is used. Waterproof nappies alone are not sufficient.
No diving, bombing or jumping into the pool
No pushing or throwing people into the pool
No wrestling or other rowdy behaviour in the pool, pool area or changing rooms
No inflatables (other than those used as swimming aids only)
Entry to and exit of the pool to be done using the steps only
No playing on the steps
No animals allowed in the pool, pool area or changing rooms (except for service animals)
Do not attempt to move or unwind the swimming pool cover
Ensure the pool, pool area and changing rooms are left clean and tidy as they were when you arrived.
All rubbish and disposable nappies must be taken with you when you leave. We do not have the refuse facilities for these.
Please report any issues to a MB Hydropool Ltd employee.